We spend so much of our time focused on results and outcomes.
Did we win? Did we lose? Was it a success or a failure?
How do we measure it? Track it? Compare it?
Everyone wants to "succeed" because that is what we feel is the right answer. That is what gets praise from those all around us. It makes us feel valued and safe as it makes us feel like we have earned our place (at work or within our community).
Does every step forward have to have the same outcome? At what point is the growth and learning just as (or even more?) valuable than some expected outcome?
Our world is changing so quickly these days, more quickly than it probably ever has in the past. We have access to so much information, to so many more people and communities, we are constantly trying to "measure up" to everything around us.
We are experiential creatures. Every experience that we have contributes to our knowledge and understanding our our-self and the world we are a part of and influences the next event in the story.
What you do learn and the value of what could be there to be understood should not be minimized simply because it may lead to a different result that most would expect.
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