In a world built on relationships, meetings matter.
They are important and really help bring people together to achieve common goals.
Since meetings are important, it's critical that you know how to run one, properly.
First and foremost.
Make sure you know what the meeting is for:
• Discussion / Exploration
• Decision
• Information sharing
Next, make sure that you actually have the right people at the meeting based on your intention, and more importantly, make sure THEY know why they have been asked to participate.
Third and most important, respect people's TIME. Everyone is busy, has a lot on the go and attending meetings takes away time from other things they could / should be working on.
To respect people's time, manage your meeting. Start on time, end on time and make sure that you drive the meeting in such a way that you will cover what needs to be covered during the stated time. Don't allow the meeting to go off the rails and then simply think that you can book another meeting to cover what you didn't get to in the first meeting.
Simple respect and time management will go a long way in helping you build relationships both within and outside of your organization.
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