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Here's How Running Makes You More Successful At Anything

 Building Habits In One Area of Your Life to Improve Others



Everyone knows that exercise is good for you. We are meant to move. The lifestyles that many of us lead today keep us glued to our chairs, in front of screens.

I’m not sharing benefits for your body. This quick hit will share 6 qualities that will improve ALL areas of your life.

The experiences we have, the habits we build, are not locked into the activity you developed them in. How you train yourself to behave or react in one situation will carry over to others.

Running alone will allow you to build personally and triumph professionally. 


In order to achieve any goal, you have to take action.

The biggest challenge people face is keeping themselves accountable. All too often we quit at the wrong time. 

The world is full of distractions. Our mind is loaded with resistance. 

Build your inner strength by sticking to a routine not giving up when things are hard.


Holding yourself to your routing will allow you to see the benefits of aggregating small gains.

Home runs are fun. Getting on base consistently is better.

Small steps in the right direction WILL get you to where you are going.

Results come from staying the course, doing the work and not allowing yourself to let yourself off the hook.


Rapid feedback supports experimentation.

The more you can test, the more effective you will be.

Record data. Review it. Make adjustments.

Knowing how to measure what matters will always give you more success than those that don’t.


When you’re running, you will experience peaks and valleys.

Dealing with a challenge is easier when you know that it will get better.

Developing your capacity to appreciate the lows allows you to savour the highs. There is no light without the dark.


Running becomes a moving meditation.

You get the same benefits of classic meditation by dropping out of your head and focusing on your breath and putting one foot in front of the other. Getting out of your head allows those subconscious ideas to collide.

Welcome to your flow state. You can get here fast.


Doing the work means you are walking the talk. It’s easy to say that you want something, but that means nothing if you aren’t willing to sacrifice for it.

The experiences you have, how you carry yourself and how you push yourself define you.

People gravitate to those who know themselves.

This builds confidence. Confidence is crucial for success, it fights your fear and your desire to quit.

Simple ideas re-enforced by simple movement.

Being able to work on yourself in an area where you have complete control is a springboard for other areas of your life.

Build where you are the boss. Other successes will come.



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