I wanted to share some thoughts today with respect to Experience and
Relevance that was, in part, inspired by this quote from Leo Tolstoy
“Everyone thinks
of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
That resonated with
me and I thought it would resonate with a lot of you as well right
Pretty much everyone
is talking about what changes the coronavirus will being to our
societies and businesses. There’s a lot of discussion with respect
to change and doing things differently; so that got me thinking about
the ideas of experience and relevance.
Humans make
thousands of decisions every day; but, our brains don’t give each
decision one of those decisions equal attention, our brains take all
kinds of mental shortcuts.
These shortcuts are
known as “biases.” They’re not necessarily good nor bad; they
just are.
When I was younger
and closer to the start of my career, I always struggled with having
“experience” thrown at me as a way to justify a position, and it
always frustrated me.
It frustrated me
because no matter how much I did, no matter how many years I have
under my belt, I would never be able to close the experience gap
between me and someone who started 10 years earlier let’s say ...
no one can make up time.
Another part of me
also always wanted to say “and how does that help here and now”.
Success in not just
about having experience in a field.
Success is about how
relevant your idea, approach, thinking or solution is to the problem,
how well does it connect with the matter at hand?
Bringing that back
around to my quote ... how are you thinking about changing yourself?
Are you allowing
cognitive biases like the expedience bias, confirmation bias and the
self-serving bias drive your decisions?
Are you making the
same decisions based on the past, and what you knew, because it
brings you comfort and safety, because you think there’s more
certainty there?
I really challenge
you to step out of your comfort zone, to challenge what you’re
thinking, what your boss thinking , the way your HR department is
hiring, the solutions you are accepting from your vendors and
suppliers ... everything.
Ask yourself, is
what we are doing relevant to our challenges today? But more
importantly, is what you are doing going to be relevant tomorrow, or
are you just trying to recreate where you used to be.
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