learn·ing /ˈlÉ™rniNG/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: learning the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught. I came across the notion of "Disinterested Learning" this morning and I absolutely love it. I was never a straight A student through school, to be honest, it would probably be more like straight B's! That was never really because of a lack of ability, it was more of a result of how much I enjoyed the subject. In the classes I loved or was really interested in, my marks would be high, in the classes that I took because I had to or if I didn't enjoy the professor or material, B / B+. People often find it amusing then when they find out about how much "self learning" that I do. I read a ton, I research things that I don't understand or want to improve on (and I can even get a little obsessed with my focus). While it wasn't as apparent earlier in life, I do love to learn. It is so...