I came across the notion of "Disinterested Learning" this morning and I absolutely love it.learn·ing
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noun: learning
the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught.
I was never a straight A student through school, to be honest, it would probably be more like straight B's! That was never really because of a lack of ability, it was more of a result of how much I enjoyed the subject.
In the classes I loved or was really interested in, my marks would be high, in the classes that I took because I had to or if I didn't enjoy the professor or material, B / B+.
People often find it amusing then when they find out about how much "self learning" that I do. I read a ton, I research things that I don't understand or want to improve on (and I can even get a little obsessed with my focus).
While it wasn't as apparent earlier in life, I do love to learn. It is something that has matured with my as I get wiser (that's the endearing way to say I'm getting grey right?)
So what is "Disinterested Learning" then?
It's learning for the sake of learning, and not simply because it will have an immediate reward.
How cool is that?
I often describe myself as an unrelenting self learner - I can tell you, people usually don't get it. They think I'm using some corporate, fluffy kind of talk to make myself sound more enlightened. Not so.
Learning for the sake of learning is amazing, I recommend it to everyone. It fundamentally changes the way you look at things because you are always getting new ideas and perspectives layered onto your existing paradigms.
What have you learned today?
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