Seventy-seven percent of people have some fear or anxiety around public speaking. That's three out of every four people that you pass on the street, think about that for second. How come? We speak all the time, most people would actually find it uncomfortable to go a day with verbal communication. With all of this experience and exposure, what is it that drives the anxiety most people feel. I think it comes from a few things. Fear Our societies are ones that praise success and punish failure. We validate getting the right answer. We feel safe when we are right, that we are accepted and that we fit in. Especially in the professional world, most people are terrified to look like they don't know something, or that they don't have the skillset for what is being asked. This preoccupation with fear is the root of the problem for most people. Judgement Since public speaking or presenting something to a group of people puts you in the spotlight, people anchor to the fact that the ...