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The Best Interview Question I Was Ever Asked


Most interview questions these days are terrible. They are formulaic, repackaged and cliche.

What's worse than weak interview questions? Being able to delight with scripted answers.

This is the best question anyone has ever asked me in an interview. It was so different I was not even expecting it:

What has been the most fundamental idea that has influenced your life?

Some perspective.

I work in Supply Chain. More specifically, logistics. The biggest part of my career has been in the last mile space (think Amazon to your door).

I'm sure you can imagine why that interview question was not on my radar. Most interviews questions are technical, situational or aim to flesh out the environment.

My answer?

That most things are not as complex as people like to make them seem.

I know what you're thinking. That answer sucks.

Maybe it did. I didn't end up getting that job.

That was the answer to the question. That idea has influenced my life more than any other.

How Has That Been So Important

Embracing the idea that things are simpler than they are made out to be has been empowering.

It has anchored my thinking. When you approach a problem with a default mindset that you can solve it you see more possibilities.

You don't get discouraged. You don't feel like you can't do it. It allows you to take on large projects or a lot of responsibility and approach it with confidence.

Professional Impact

Did you know that only 20% of people still work in the field they studied by the time they have 10 years of experience?

I was on the flip side of that from day one. I have no formal education in my field. I went to school thinking I was going to be a lawyer. Clearly that never happened.

Going into operations and supply chain was all new. On the job training 101. I had to learn everything as I went.

Breaking processes down. Looking at the numbers. Asking A LOT of questions. You get a slower start, but then once that foundation is in place, mastery follows.

I have (and have had) a very "successful" career. I put quotes there because my views on success have changed a lot over the last few years. Nonetheless, successful by most standards.

My career trajectory would never have happened if I believed what people put in front of you. That you need some specialized knowledge from the start. I pushed myself to learn. To dig into the details. To understand how everything connected.

Nothing ever seemed THAT complicated.

Personal Impact

Things here will be more relatable. Most of us are far more comfortable taking risks in our personal life than we are professionally. Whenever you pick up a new hobby, sport or activity - you already believe you can do it.

Funny enough, the things I stopped doing (or struggled with) in my life were all before I adopted this philosophy.

I quit playing piano.

I should have been better at baseball.

My grades could have been better.

Technology has never been something that scared me. Software or hardware, didn't matter. I've built computers, taken apart phones and tablets, repaired the red ring of death, installed satellite dishes.

I have a garage full of tools. I have finished my basement (twice), built tables and shelves, installed flooring, framed walls, drywall… all of it.

I've fixed my stove. My dishwasher. My dryer. Changed the light bulb in my car (this is WAY harder than it should be).

Nothing ever seemed THAT complicated.


Knowing the pillars to your paradigms is essential. No two people will think alike. 

In order to integrate with a team or find your place within a community, you have to understand yourself. By knowing what drives you, by knowing why you think the way you do, you become a more effective communicator.

Communication is king.


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